
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Mental notes are good for the soul

Characters running a muck in your head is weird, right? I can't remember the last time I started dinner and didn't have these thoughts following: As she stirs the pasta his arms wrap and lock her into place. His lips ... 

It's a little disturbing I know. But this is how my brain works. It's constantly going on and on. It doesn't shut off hell even when I'm about to go to bed it's still rummaging through potential scenes. When I watch movies I no longer sit there and just watch. Nope. I'm picking apart things I truly love and try to twist it into something that could be good for whatever I'm working on. Same with novels. I can't just read them. Nope. I'm sitting there thinking about how the author captured my attention. How they found my soul and destroyed it when the character I'm rooting for gets some devasting news. 

Point is I'm constantly taking mental notes. You should be too. Ideas are everywhere. 

As I'm working on two novels at one time I'm a little more aware. I've been reading and watching picking apart the best parts and pulling them into something so it ends up being great. Who do I study? Everyone. Not just the best selling authors. I study everyone. Sure, there might be some disappointing reads in there because I'm studying everyone. But even with those disappointing reads, I can still learn something. Like what I won't do because it left me unsatisfied. Rushing just to finish. Jumping about from thing to thing. Not researching things fully but putting them in there just to be there because it sounds good. 

What? People don't do that. they do though. There are some books you might pick them up and think how in the world did this garbage get published. Here's the thing though, it does. Possibly self and sometimes not. Someone buys it. Someone reads it. And here is the thing even with a book that might let you down there might be something good in it. Learn from them.



  1. Would U please help a plethora of King Size, wildchild, rawkuss poetry/wordz which are lookin 4 a home in thy novelty?? Thx. Whew. They're pretty insane. They're bereft of reason. Oi! Blimey! They're bloody PINK spiders!!

    Gotta lotta gobba shrewd, surreal, supersonic, sardonic satires, sassy N savvy elixers N electronic elegance on our YOUTHwitheTRUTH blogs. Wannum? Have'm. N'joym. Gettm outta my hair!!!

    How mucha wanna betcha our sugar-high-mojo, antioxident, hot-shot, full-throttle, pleasure-beyond-measure, fuse-blowin-exploits R a copious madhouse of one lavish bookay D.O.A.? Our proFUSE NRGod who leads U.S. to explosive fairy-tales in the 'one-stop-shop' symphony Upstairs? God's the BigDude, the Owner of ElysianFields, the Grand Prize, the Austere Overdrive, NoPurchaseNecessary: our bombastic tenaCITY on a Hill which'll plant the Seeds 4u2 grow-up to new N greater heights!! Mama mia! Thatsa good pasta!!

    CAUTION: our 22ish, avant-guard, accurately-atrocious, offa-the-reservation-like-Jimmy-Hoffa, metal-breadcrumm-fabYOUlishousness R sooo out-of-order, toots, they're an intimate wealth of bottomless sophistication. And dats da lethal fak, Jak. Go ahead. Sue me. Yawn. But, yet, here's the perennial KOO D'TAH: who else has actually SEEN the Great Beyond in spirit & lived to tella youse bout the bionic, bloated, brevity-like-earth we're living on?? Yes, earthling, I had an NDE, almost salivating4salvation. So gain altitude, never attitude: death has no intrinsik favorites.

    If Mr. abSUREditty's an ultra-great-reward, and not everyone enters, Q: why is it an excruciating deluge of epic-.357-caliber where the quality's a limitless bulldozer plowin, pushin-your-power-cord with eternal goodies? A: the Prize-A+-TheEnd just gives U.S. moe-curley-graphix 2 VitSee: an explosion-of-extravagance which few R asking 4 anymore! Grrr. They're too concerned withe grotesque sanity of ambivilant piss-ants which swiftly crawl like lemmings to their scorecard, effusive destruction. C'est la guerre.THANK GAWWWD!!! the Don has the ebullient BAWLS!!! to do the Manifest Destiny!!! To lead U.S. forward to the White House Upstairs with his SQUARES!!!

    So, break-free, earthling; be like a contraversial outgrowth of incredibly-intoxicating-effusiveness in your zeitgeist. Wiseabove. Wanna join this useFULL idiot Upstairs 4 the most zany, kooky, X-acto-knife antidotes? Extremely exquisite, explicit endorphins in abundance? Puh-lenty of pulverizingly-tantalizing psychopathic psychosomatics with eXtras? i2i-kick-velocity's-ass-ultra-maximum-rocket-fuel-party-hardy at my pad ya ever encountered without d'New Joisey accent 4 an eternal slew of precarious, magnanimous & primeval absurdities indelibly etched in the granite corridors of eternity with a total-barrage-of-melt-in-thy-mouth 'depth-of-undenial'???

    Make Your Choice  -SAW
    ...cuzz nobody gitts outta here alive, earthling.

  2. Tuve el placer de trabajar estrechamente con el Sr. Pedro durante varios años como socios comerciales. Durante el tiempo que Pedro y su equipo de compañía de préstamos sirvieron como Representante Hipotecario para mi casa y también para el financiamiento de mi negocio y me ayudaron a cerrar préstamos que realmente me ayudaron en mi negocio hoy, estuvimos consistentemente muy por encima de nuestra meta y esto solo puede atribuible al duro trabajo del señor Pedro. Aprecio su arduo trabajo y también muchas gracias a su equipo por ayudarme con un préstamo para hacer crecer mi negocio. Si está buscando un préstamo de cualquier tipo, comuníquese con el Sr. Pedro
    Whatsapp +393510140339 El Sr. Pedro es un oficial de préstamos honesto que trabaja con una gran cantidad de inversores dispuestos a financiar cualquier proyecto.
    Afortunadamente, con el tiempo nuestra relación creció más allá del trabajo y todavía estoy feliz de poder considerarlo un amigo de confianza.
