BEA and my down load on it all.
I had a connection flight, and the first flight was perfect, no one was next to me. Second flight ... oy ... Dude sitting to the left of me was fine, Dude sitting to the right, total nightmare. He was rude, angry and Smelled, like really bad. I now know how Edward from Twilight felt like as I tried to take in air from the person next to me, in order to NOT breathe in the rancid scent of smelly guy.
Cab drivers in NYC are NUTS!!! No really, they drive fast, and with a I DON'T GIVE A SHIT attitude. Blinders. I needed some horse blinders. There was a Chevy Aveo next to us, and Cab driver was headed right into the lane almost making the Chevy, and my passenger door ONE. I was like OMG OMG there is a car right there. Cab driver laughs like I'm a comedy act. I'm lucky I don't have heart problems I would have had four heart attacks from the airport to the hotel alone. To top that off, NYC people are Wacko's too, Cross walk signs, they are like Oh it's red, well screw it I;m going and almost get blasted by oncoming traffic. Again they don't really care.
At BEA though, it's truly Amazing!! I got tons of Books, most of them are ARC's that I can't wait to read!
Books: Wild Cards by Simone Elkeles (So excited about this!!!) Hostage Three by Nick Lake, The Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Myracle (Read- Totally awesome sauce cute! Met the author she signed my book, she's amazing FYI) Identical by Scott Turow, Skin by Donna Jo Napoli, The Deadliest Game by Hal Ross, and of course all my Month9Book author books: A Shimmer of Angels by Lisa Basso, Gabriel Stone and the Divinity of Valta by Shannon Duffy, Sidekick by Pab Sungenis, Pretty Dark Nothing by Heather Reid, Praefatio by Georgia McBride, My Sister's Reaper by Dorothy Dreyer. I have more books, but those are being mailed to me since I couldn't carry them all.
BEA is Fantastic though. There is so many authors, publishers, readers, bloggers, agents, people in general that are 100% super friendly and way cool. There is so many things to see too, besides the great books, swag, and terrific stuff you can score, cover reveals like Harry Potter has a new cover design coming out and it's AWESOME!!
I was working for some of the time, and walking for the next half loading up on books. Which if you go to BEA, FYI bring an extra suitcase to load up all your free swag, and books you scored. Or be prepared to ship out your books FedEx.

While I was there, I talked with the Agent who has my full, and she was super awesome, and her boss spoke with me too which was like Awwww this is so great, I feel like I'm in a dream! And can I just say, I felt as if I were going to pee my pants at first, because the whole time I'm thinking I hope I don't say something Stupid or Offensive. I think my meeting went really well though. Fingers crossed for her wanting me! :)
Did you go to BEA? What books did you get? If you didn't go to BEA, but had the chance to go what are the first booths you'd visit?